Social Economy in Poland and economic development




Social Economy, economic development, third sector of the economy


Background: The article presents selected considerations about the Social Economy in Poland, combining them with determinants and indicators of economic development. The social eco-nomy was treated as part of the National Global Economy. Due to the nature of the considerations, the conclusions from the analysis of available qualitative and quantitative data – included in the content – were preceded by a concise presentation of the assumptions of both areas indicated in the title. The article corresponds with another text by the author on Social Economy, published in 2019. To avoid repetition, the current text has narrowed the analysis to only a few definitional and research aspects.

Research purpose: The author diagnoses the current state of Social Economy development in Poland in the context of economic development – including its measures and determinants. Because the text submitted for publication is an introduction to the issue of the Polish social economy, most of it is theoretical. The indirect goal was to analyze the available qualitative and quantitative data preceded by an attempt to find current macro levels describing the indicated condition. The research hypothesis assumes that there is a relationship between the development of the social economy in Poland and the economic development of the State.

Methods: The article was based on a summary of the current literature on the subject (also English literature), reports, and available macroeconomic data. Therefore, it has a nature synthesizing socio-economic aspects.                                                                    

Conclusions: As a result, the article is a compilation of several threads important for Poland’s economic development. The analysis shows that there is still a need to deepen the analysis of the state of the Social Economy in Poland, of which the following text is part. Based on current data and research literature, it was found that a more precise assessment of the state of development will be possible at the first half of 2020, i.e. immediately after the publication of quantitative data by the Central Statistical Office.



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How to Cite

Chojnacka, K. J. (2020). Social Economy in Poland and economic development. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 116, 157–179.

