Barriers in the work of a court expert in the field of real estate valuation




real estate valuation, property appraiser, judicial proceedings


Background: The institutional environment of the real estate market in the context of the work of a property valuation court expert. The author analyzes the problems that hinder the valuation process for the purposes of court proceedings. The opinions issued often influence the decisions of the court. They also affect the perception of the real estate market functioning by its participants. Therefore, high quality of opinions is essential for the certainty of business transactions.

Research purpose: The aim of the article is to identify and classify the problems occurring in the process of property valuation for the purposes of court proceedings in theoretical aspects. Moreover, the article verifies the results of own research.

Methods: The article identifies and classifies the problems on the basis of a critical analysis of literature, legal regulations and documents. Then, qualitative research has been carried out and the results have been quantified.

Conclusions: The problems occurring in the valuation process for the purposes of court proceedings are included in the article.


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How to Cite

Gusta, A. (2021). Barriers in the work of a court expert in the field of real estate valuation. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 118, 181–202.

