Applications supporting personal financial management – student financial education perspective




PFM applications, financial technology, COVID-19


Background: New trends in the offers of financial institutions and a change in consumer behaviour, especially during periods of social isolation and quarantine caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, are becoming a challenge for banks, internet Third Parties Providers, and mobile environment and technology companies. The article is devoted to the analysis of the behaviour of representatives of the young generation – students of the Poznań University of Economics and Business – in the area of applications supporting the personal finance management process.

Research purpose: The aim of the article is to assess the functionality, reliability and usability of PFM applications by the young generation as part of their financial education.

Methods: The study presents students’ attitudes towards financial applications, indicating their needs and practicality of using the application, especially in the period of social isolation, remote work resulting from COVID-19. The CAWI survey method was used, preceded by application testing by students.

Conclusions: The survey results point to the very high popularity of financial applications that are offered by non-bank institutions. In addition, the pandemic period highlighted technical and substantive gaps in applications, such as the need to update the function of remote contact with the user in the area of current settlements and payments, advice and ongoing contact with a consultant, and remote assistance in formalities in the field of loans and deposits. According to the respondents, PFM applications supported the financial management process and the accumulation of savings, which had the advantage of raising economic and financial knowledge and financial skills for them.



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How to Cite

Warchlewska, A., & Waliszewski, K. (2021). Applications supporting personal financial management – student financial education perspective. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 119, 355–378.

