Lack of cooperation with the supervisory authority as basis for imposing administrative fines


  • Joanna Łuczak-Tarka Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Katedra Prawa Karnego Wykonawczego, Zakład Międzynarodowego Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Poland



personal data protection law, supervisory authority, President of the Personal Data Protection Office, controller responsibilities, administrative fines


Background: The study deals with the analysis of the legal obligation of cooperation by subjects required to employ the norms of the GDPR with the supervisory authority, in case of Poland, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, and the consequences of lack of such cooperation. The Author investigates the norms of the personal data protection law and their use in practice.

Research purpose: The primary goal of this study is to establish whether the solutions adopted in Article 31 of the GDPR are enough when considering the mandate of supervisory authorities.

Methods: The primary method used in this study has been the analysis of the normative material and scholarly review. Additionally, the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office have served as the basis for analysis of employment of GDPR relevant norms in this regard.

Conclusions: The duty of the controller to cooperate with the supervisory authority, first stated in the GDPR, is an important instrument to ensure the execution of power granted to a supervisory authority. In that context it serves as one of the keystones of European personal data protection reform, as strengthening of the supervisory authority in relation to controllers, processors and – if applicable – their representatives. The introduction of administrative fines as a result of violating Article 31 ensures that this goal is met and allows for real disciplining of subjects required to employ the norms of the GDPR, both individually and generally. As demonstrated over the last three years of its use, the adoption of such solution by the European lawmakers has been necessary. The possibility of imposing administrative fines for lack of cooperation with the supervisory authority might be one of the few, and sometimes the only, tools that such authorities can employ to ensure the accomplishment of its mandate, especially in regard to monitoring and enforcing GDPR execution. Therefore, this norm indirectly affects the exercise of data subjects’ rights. On the other hand, the legal construct of Article 31 requires the implication of other GDPR norms by the authority, which serves to protect them from abuse by the institution.



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How to Cite

Łuczak-Tarka, J. (2021). Lack of cooperation with the supervisory authority as basis for imposing administrative fines. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 121, 105–124.

