Failure to Ensure Legal Certainty as a Basis for Damage Claims. A Legal and Comparative Analysis


  • Michał Krzykowski UWM in Olsztyn, Faculty of Law and Administration, Depart¬ment of Civil Law II and Economic Law
  • Michał Mariański UWM in Olsztyn, Faculty of Law and Administration, Depart¬ment of Financial Law



social trust, social activity, social competence, professional career


The aim of this article is to evaluate the normative and structural level of the social capital of Świętokrzyskie province university students in terms of developing social skills. Analysis of the results of a diagnostic survey carried out among students revealed a deficit of bridging social capital. The students of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship are characterized by a low level of generalized and institutional trust. Social mistrust can be regarded as one of the main barriers constraining the activity of academic youth. Only 43% of respondents said that they participated in various types of social and cultural organizations. Students said they were more than twice as likely to participate in different types of activities, such as sports clubs or music groups, than in organizations acting for the benefit of the public. There is a visible desire for young people to achieve individual, not community benefits. The marginalization of collective action for the benefit of the general public threatens to deepen the deficit of social competence.



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How to Cite

Krzykowski, M., & Mariański, M. (2019). Failure to Ensure Legal Certainty as a Basis for Damage Claims. A Legal and Comparative Analysis. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 109, 73–86.

