The Conditions of Development of Chinese Corporate Governance System


  • Stanisław Rudolf Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, Wydział Finansów i Zarządzania, Poland



corporate governance, new structural economy, politicization of corporate governance, codes of good practice


The study presents the process of building a Chinese corporate governance system against the background of changes in the Chinese economy. Both economic development and its corporate governance are the results of the marketization of economic processes. In the process of economic development, China is trying to use Western standards, at least in terms of institutional solutions. However, the existing conditions in China, mainly of a political nature, mean that the possibilities of using Western experience are still limited. The communist party, which exercises power, effectively inhibits the democratization processes that determine the construction of a free market. This is clearly visible on the example of a corporate governance system whose solutions refer to Western models.

The politicization of the Chinese economy means that these supervisory institutions do not fulfill their role; we are dealing with a caricature of supervision. The study attempts to show that without these processes of democratization, the institutional imbalance will grow, hampering economic growth and fueling social tensions.


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How to Cite

Rudolf, S. (2019). The Conditions of Development of Chinese Corporate Governance System. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 109, 287–302.

