Granting the degree of doctor habilitated in light of the Law on Higher Education and Science




habilitation, habilitation commission, habilitation colloquium, entities conferring the degree of doctor habilitated, Council of Scientific Excellence


Background: The subject of this analysis are the legal regulations laid down in the Law on Higher Education and Science concerning the granting the degree of doctor habilitated. The article is de­voted to the following specific issues: the habilitation entity, the conditions for conferring a doctor habilitated degree, and procedural issues. With regard to these conditions, the following condi­tions have been examined in detail: possession of a doctoral degree; having made of a significant contribution to the development of a particular discipline; demonstration of significant scientific activity in more than one institution; a positive evaluation of the habilitation colloquium. Explor­ing the subject of a doctor habilitated degree is justified by the modifications which, compared to the previous legal situation, were introduced by the legislator in relation to it.

Research purpose: The main objective of the research is to reconstruct the normative content of the most important regulations concerning the granting of the doctor habilitated degree as provid­ed by the Law on Higher Education and Science. This makes it possible to determine the extent to which the rules on the granting of this scientific degree have been modified in relation to the pre-existing legal status.

Methods: The studies carried out are basic studies and employ the dogmatic method. The re­search material primarily consisted of the relevant provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science, as well as the case-law of administrative courts and the views of representatives of the doctrine.

Conclusions: The analyses carried out revealed that the current rules on the granting the degree of doctor habilitated degree are essentially related to solutions already established in the Polish academic tradition. The fundamental changes include the possibility of taking into account the achievements obtained before the doctoral degree, as well as the restoration of the habilitation colloquium. The article also notes the non-compliance of the regulation’s restrictions on the re- -application for a doctor habilitated degree with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.



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How to Cite

Radajewski, M. (2020). Granting the degree of doctor habilitated in light of the Law on Higher Education and Science. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 114, 81–98.

