Building permit change in mode article 36a construction law




building permit, construction law, administrative procedure


Background: The study presents the institution of changing the building permit in mode artic­le 36a construction law, which is of particular importance during the construction process. In practice, there may be events affecting the implementation of a building object, expressed in the form of necessary modifications to the building project. Therefore, according to the legislator’s assumption, a change to the building permit is to be a preventive measure to prevent breaking the law during construction works resulting in building arbitrariness. To this end, art. 36a construction law regarding a significant deviation from the approved construction project or other conditions of the building permit.

Research purpose: The article covers the analysis of legal regulations regarding the institution of changing the building permit pursuant to art. 36a construction law in terms of the administrative procedure required, taking into account the characteristics of significant deviations from the approved building project or other conditions of the building permit. The analysis of regulations will require an answer to the question of how far significant changes must occur in order to start the procedure of changing the building permit.

Methods: In the study a dogmatic-legal method was used, as a result of which the binding statutory provisions containing the basic and most important solutions in the scope of changing the building permit were analyzed. In parallel, the theoretical-legal method was applied, which included studying the current literature on the subject. The study also includes empirical-legal research, the subject of which was the jurisprudence of administrative courts.

Conclusions: Administrative court jurisprudence and the practice of public administration bodies do not provide an unequivocal answer to the question of how significant changes must occur in order for them to constitute a significant departure from the construction project. However, it should be stated that a suitable measure of whether a significant deviation has been made is to compare the function, form, construction of the building, technical solutions and intended use of the building with the actual state of construction works carried out. These considerations should always require a thorough and comprehensive assessment of the authority, taking into account the nature of the investment and the principles of construction law.


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How to Cite

Zwolak, S. (2020). Building permit change in mode article 36a construction law. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 114, 157–172.

