The 21st-century Museum - in Search of a Space for the Integration of Image and Word




museum, exhibition, text, viewer, aesthetic experience


Contemporary museums are institutions in which the word "integration" is embodied in a multitude of ways, and this concept is realised through various exhibitions and educational initiatives. The multitude of tools, solutions and curatorial concepts related to the presentation of both ancient and contemporary art can thus lead to the question: Is today's museum a space which allows the viewer to have comprehensive, independent and unconstrained contact with a work of art, or rather a place which distracts and disintegrates the viewer's experience and aesthetic experience? This multiple-aspect problem has been discussed mainly within the context of linguistic messages accompanying objects and exhibitions on display in a museum. By analysing the results of a survey conducted among visitors to the Museum of the City of Łódź, various strategies of constructing texts on display at the museum's exhibitions were described in detail, along with an assessment of their suitability with regard to the preferences and needs of contemporary recipients.


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