The importance of lithological met-hods in the reconstruction of glacigenic processes of the old glacial area with examples from Central Poland
The article presents an evolution of the experience in the application of lithological methods for palaeogeographic reconstructions of glacigenic processes in Central Poland as well as a proposal for a wider use of the lithofacies and lithogenetic analyses in connection with determining the energy level record in sedimentation environments. It was found that the lithotypes distinguished on the basis of energy level show connections both with specific sedimentation environment types and with genetic groups of relief forms. By applying the method of lithological record with determining the environment energy level, the authors assumed the distinction of four main lithotypes: 1) very high, 2) high, 3) medium, and 4) low energy. The authors analysed the positive and negative conclusions from the application of this typology in different outcrops, noticing a number of advantages for palaeogeographic inference.