Care as a catalyst for resistance. The case of non-unionised workers
care, resistance, labour relationsAbstract
Care in sociology, especially sociology of work, is primarily the study of care work. In this article, I try to go beyond this perspective. Care is a central category, and I define it as a practice and as a relationship between people connected through the workplace who show support for each other – in verbal and non-verbal form.
In this article I present contemporary conceptions of care, the analytical potential of this category, and definitions useful in workplace research. The empirical basis for the considerations included in this text is the analysis of interviews conducted with non-unionised employees of small and medium-sized service enterprises, which turn out to be difficult workplaces. The analytical part shows the practices that I identify as worker care, which are aimed not only at giving emotional support, but also at activating worker resistance. I also argue that care and resistance in the workplace are interrelated, and the purpose of this article is to take a multidimensional look at this relationship.
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