Does domestic violence have gender?
domestic violence, gender, gender symmetry, feminist perspective, intimate partner violenceAbstract
This article concentrates on the analysis of the role of the gender and shows the ongoing debate in the scientific community between representatives of two approaches: the perspective of the gender symmetry and the feminist perspective. The different meaning attributed to gender, translated into a different way of conducting research, which led the researchers to the opposing conclusions regarding domestic violence. The former approach recognises that women and men use violence in relationships to the equal extent, while the latter notices the significant asymmetry, because men are much more often perpetrators. A concept that allows us to reconcile these two polarised approaches was also presented – Michael Johnson’s typology of intimate partner violence. In the concluding part of the article, the author shows that despite of the complexity of the discussed issue, controversies surrounding the conducted projects, and the emerging discrepancies in their results, it is possible to answer the question of whether domestic violence has gender.
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