Storytelling practice based on the example of parents in multi-problem situations’ photovoice
storytelling practice, participatory action research, photovoice, storytelling, parents in a multi-problem situationAbstract
The aim of this article is to describe the practice of storytelling using the example of photovoice participatory action research (PAR) conducted from March 2022 to February 2023 with parents in multi-problem situations who experienced the risk of entrusting their offspring to a foster care or faced having their child taken away from them. Referring to the concept of “narrative practices” by Jaber Gubrium and James Holstein [1998], the author reconstructs the process of parents’ story formation, considering its components, such as: narrative resources, institutional conditions, and the research activities woven into the process of storytelling – from the pre-narrative (ante-narrative) form to the story in the public sphere. In the final conclusions the author reflects on the potential of stories co-created in participatory projects for critical social dialogue and the initiation of a social support network.
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