Creating value for stakeholders in the circular economy




circular economy, stakeholders, creating values for stakeholders.


Background: In this article, the key objective is to identify the importance of stakeholder value creation in the context of the circular economy in a two-track global economy. In addition, the activities of Regionalne Centrum Gospodarki Wodno-Ściekowej S.A. in Tychy are analyzed.

Research purpose: The aim of the study is to identify the of Identify the WHAT of creating value? Means? creating value for stakeholders in a circular economy.

Methods: The research method used is a literature review of source documents, domestic and international literature, and global and EU legislation that directly relates to the subject. We also employed desk research, analysis of case studies described in the literature on the subject, and methods of inference (deduction and induction).

Conclusions: The analysis demonstrates that there is a close link between the creation and provision of value to stakeholders in a closed-circle economy. The analysed business entity operates in accordance with the concept of sustainability, according to which factors that have an effect on making decisions related to the functioning of a plant include minimizing environmental costs, meeting the expectations and requirements of the town’s inhabitants, social acceptability, and economics. Through its operations, the business entity has put the concept of a smart city into practice. In order to increase value for stakeholders, the company has developed the SymbioTychy concept. In theory, green energy generated by the treatment plant will supply power to various municipal facilities, thus improving Tychy’s energy security.


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How to Cite

Zupok, S. (2021). Creating value for stakeholders in the circular economy. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 120, 291–311.

