Vat grouping – the Polish perspective




VAT, VAT group, VAT optimization, abuse of law


Background: The paper undertakes a research of acquis communautaire regarding VAT grouping. It also analyses the motives for adopting VAT grouping regulations in some EU Member States and examines the circumstances of adopting these regulations in Poland. Moreover, 2021 Polish VAT grouping provisions were analysed within the context of similar arrangements of some EU Member States.

Research purpose: Recognition of the motives for introducing the possibility of group VAT regulations at the EU level and the arrangements of said regulations within some EU Member States allows examination of how the relevant regulations have been implemented in Poland. Not only were the legal regulations themselves or their interpretation evaluated, but above all, changes were proposed that should contribute to a more effective implementation of the VAT Directive in this area.

Methods: The article uses the method of logical-linguistic analysis of normative material, which is supplemented to the necessary extent by the historical-comparative method.

Conclusions: Areas in the Polish VAT group legislation that require clarification or amendment have been identified. In particular, the article indicates the need for changes in provisions concerning the concept of taxable transactions in the VAT group, the application of the coefficient of VAT deduction in the VAT group, and the adjustment of provisions concerning records, including records using cash registers.



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How to Cite

Tratkiewicz, T. (2022). Vat grouping – the Polish perspective. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 122, 55–72.

