Competitiveness of the Świętokrzyskie voivodship with particular emphasis on the environmental aspect
environmental competitiveness, environment, environmental protection.Abstract
Background: A significant influence on the development of regional competitiveness issues is exerted by the regional policy of the European Union, one of whose priorities is to raise the level of competitiveness of territorial units. The increased importance of the concept of sustainable development has resulted in the importance of traditional competitiveness factors declining and the environment playing an increasingly important role in shaping regional competitiveness. Despite this, an existing research gap in the literature regarding the assessment of the competitiveness of the environmental aspect can currently be observed.
Research purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the overall level of competitiveness of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in comparison with other regions in the country, as well as competitiveness taking into account only the environmental aspect.
Methods: An assessment of the level of competitiveness of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship was carried out on the basis of the Regional Competitiveness Index published by the European Commission. Perkalʼs linear ordering method was used to assess the competitiveness of the environmental aspect. In order to construct an environmental competitiveness model, 28 state and environmental variables were used, which were divided into 8 groups relating to different environmental categories. Variables were selected for the model by using Cronbachʼs alpha reliability analysis, coefficient of variation and correlation coefficient matrix. In addition, using descriptive statistics elements, the regions of Poland were grouped according to similar levels of environmental competitiveness.
Conclusions: The Świętokrzyskie voivodeship was characterised by one of the lowest levels of competitiveness in Poland, which was mainly due to insufficient development of transport and technical infrastructure, a relatively high level of unemployment and a low level of innovation. An increasingly important aspect in building regional competitiveness are issues related to the state and protection of the environment. Specific actions to improve the environmental aspect should be undertaken in the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, which was characterised by a low level of environmental competitiveness as a result of e.g. inadequate air quality, low level of sewerage or decreasing expenditures on environmental protection. In none of the analysed categories related to the environment did the voivodeship have a competitive advantage over other Polish regions. An opportunity to improve the environmental competitiveness of Świętokrzyskie voivodship is the implementation of smart specialisations, which in the region were formulated in such a way that the activities undertaken in their framework take advantage of the regionʼs assets and natural resources.
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