The Recognition of Judgments Issued Abroad vs the Transcription of Foreign Civil Status Records


  • Michał Wojewoda Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego, Poland



transcription of foreign acts of civil status; recognition of foreign judgments; civil status register; ordre public clause


According to art. 104.1 of the Law on Civil Status Acts (PASC) of 2014, a foreign civil status document may be transferred to the Civil Status Register by means of transcription. The Author advocates the position whereby the transcription may be done, without first verifying if the foreign judgment, which had influenced the contents of the document to be transcribed, can be recognized in Poland. The protection against introducing data to the Register that breaches the Polish public order  (including data coming from a foreign judgment) is realized through the ordre public clause (art. 107 point 3 PASC). If it is subsequently discovered that some data was introduced to the Register from a judgment that is not able to be recognised, the procedure for the annulment of the transcribed act or the annulment of the annotation in that act may be initiated (art. 39 PASC). Occasionally, the correction of the civil status act may also take place (art. 36 PASC).



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How to Cite

Wojewoda, M. (2019). The Recognition of Judgments Issued Abroad vs the Transcription of Foreign Civil Status Records. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 109, 159–172.

