Reporting of Non-Financial Information in Non-Governmental Organizations in Poland


  • Hanna Czaja-Cieszyńska Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomiki Usług, Poland



third sector, non-governmental organizations, non-financial reporting, GRI standards.


Confidence in third sector entities can be built in various ways, one of them being access to credible and reliable information. A manifestation of care in this aspect is informing the public not only about economic activities, but also about any environmental and social activities undertaken. Reporting non-financial information may strengthen the image of non-governmental organizations, constitute a factor of competitive advantage in the fundraising process, and serve to legitimize their activities. The aim of the article is to evaluate the level of non-financial reporting in non-governmental organizations in Poland, with particular emphasis on the obligatory legal framework in this area. In the article, a research hypothesis was formulated: non-financial reporting in non-governmental organizations in Poland is at an early stage of development. To assess the actual state, a quantitative and qualitative analysis was carried out of non-financial reports published by Polish NGOs in the international register maintained by the GRI organization and in the Polish Register of Reports kept by the company CSRinfo. From the quantitative analysis, it appears that by 01/09/2018, only seven non-governmental organizations had tried to produce a non-financial report. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis showed that all of the reports analyzed reveal social information related to the specificity of the activities of non-governmental organizations. In other aspects, i.e., economic and environmental, most entities disclose only a small amount of information or do not publish it at all. The empirical study unambiguously confirms the initial phase of the development of non-financial reporting in non-governmental organizations in Poland.

The research methods applied include literature studies, analysis of legal regulations related to reporting for sustainable development, analysis of secondary data in the form of non-financial reports, and the method of induction and synthesis used in the formulation of applications.



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How to Cite

Czaja-Cieszyńska, H. (2019). Reporting of Non-Financial Information in Non-Governmental Organizations in Poland. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 109, 189–204.

