Diversification of operating own-source revenues and their amount in large cities and districts in Poland





local finance, revenues diversification, fees, user charges, large cities, districts


Background: Local government units in their activities implement a revenue policy, which should be observed in terms of more effective use of non-tax revenue sources, such as fees or property income, or the introduction of new sources. Therefore, the effect of revenue diversification can be observed in local governments.

Research purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the strength of diversification effects of operating own-source revenues, taking into account other economic factors, on the amount of per capita revenues in cities and districts in Poland. To achieve the objective, panel analysis was used separately for all large cities and districts.

Methods: The results were estimated using two methods: ordinary least squares and panel analysis with fixed effects. Diversification of operating own-source revenues was measured with the use of the Herfindahl-Hirsh index.

Conclusions: The conducted study confirmed the hypothesis of a negative relation between operating own-source revenues per capita and the HHI index, i.e. with increased diversification the amount of operating own-source revenues of per capita increases. This increase is 301–403 zł in large cities and less than 17 zł in the districts, when the HHI index decline is 0,1. In addition, factors significantly and unambiguously affecting the amount of the revenues are: wages and the number of companies operating in the districts – in both cases the effect is positive.


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How to Cite

Będzieszak, M. (2021). Diversification of operating own-source revenues and their amount in large cities and districts in Poland. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 119, 171–193. https://doi.org/10.26485/SPE/2021/119/10

