Chambers of commerce and industry in the East Germany 1945–1953
business environment institutions, communism, Kammer für Außenhandel, Soviet Military Administration in Germany, Stalinism.Abstract
Background: The subject of the research is the situation and activities of chambers of commerce and industry in the Soviet occupation zone in Germany and the German Democratic Republic during the Stalinist period.
Research purpose: The research objective is to acquire a new knowledge on the situation and scope of activities of business environment institutions in the socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe in the period after the Second World War. The results of the analysis will facilitate comparative and synthetic research in the future.
Methods: In the article was used the analysis of primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are normative and archival sources, collected, in particular, in the Leipzig State Archive, which have not been used in the scientific circulation so far, and have been preserved in a high degree of completeness and good physical condition. The secondary sources are scientific and popular science publications. Thus, an exemplification of the research was made by analyzing the situation and activities of the chambers of commerce and industry of the state of Saxony and later of the three districts of the German Democratic Republic: Chemnitz (Karl-Marx-Stadt), Dresden and Leipzig. The years 1945–1953, the time of Stalinism, were chosen as relevant for the adaptation of the Soviet pattern of business environment institutions in Central and Eastern European states, politically dependent on the Soviet Union. All the more so, the political transformation of East Germany after the fall of the Third Reich was discussed, to introduce the readers to the topic of the article.
Conclusions: The materials of the chambers of commerce and industry from Saxony areas illustrate the functioning, after World War II in East Germany, of the Soviet pattern of business environment institutions (Торгово-промышленная палата СССР). The East German chambers of commerce and industry showed similarities to the business environment institutions that the communists maintained in Czechoslovakia and Peopleʼs Poland.
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