The impact of exchange rate policy on inflation in Vietnam in 2008 and 2011




exchange rate policy, inflation, Vietnam


Background: The subject of the study is the changes in the exchange rate policy conducted by the State Bank of Vietnam in 2008 and 2011 in response to the movement of foreign capital during this period.

Research purpose: The aim of this paper was to describe the exchange rate policy and to analyze its changes, which resulted in a differentiation of the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on inflation in Vietnam in 2008 and 2011.

Methods: The article reviews the literature on exchange rate and exchange rate policy. The analysis was based on data from secondary sources, including reports, publications, and studies – mainly from the Vietnamese literature.

Conclusions: The research showed that one of the reasons for unusually high inflation in Vietnam in the years under consideration was an excessive increase in the amount of the exchange rate policy pursued by the State Bank of Vietnam (BPW). However, the reasons for this phenomenon vary in particular years, namely: in 2008 it was the intervention of the Vietnamese State Bank to keep the exchange rate at a fixed level, while in 2011 – the devaluation of the Vietnamese currency.



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How to Cite

Nguyen, C. S. (2019). The impact of exchange rate policy on inflation in Vietnam in 2008 and 2011. Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 113, 207–220.

