Catalogue of cast atique coin finds of 6th-4th centuries B.C. beyond the borders of the Olbian chora
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
coins, Dnieper, Dniester estuary, Dolphin, Medusa Gorgon, Olbia, hoard, cumulative findsAbstrakt
The article analyses 92 finds of Olbian cast coins of the archaic period and forms their chronological and geographical catalogue. The study calls into question the thesis of some scholars about the lack of participation of Olbian coins in monetary circulation outside Olbia and its chora. In our opinion, Olbian coins, starting from the end of the 6th century BC, could be actively used in the exchange of goods with barbarian tribes, a vivid proof of which was the cumulative finds of “Dolphin” coins in the middle Podniprovia and in the Dniester Estuary area. Also, an important proof of the use of Olbian coins in trade operations with the population of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe and Steppe of the Scythian period is the presence in the same regions of cast obol finds of various types and denominations, which may indicate a certain stability of trade routes.
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