Written consent? The arguments of qualitative researchers for and against written informed consent





written consent, qualitative research, research with researchers


Informed and voluntary consent to participate in research is a fundamental ethical principle in social research. In Anglo-Saxon countries, where the audit culture is very well developed, qualitative researchers are often required to obtain written informed consent from informants to participate in research. In Poland, with the introduction of an audit culture in higher education and science, such expectations towards researchers may also arise, for example, from the grant providers. However, little is known of the attitude of domestic qualitative researchers to this research practice or their experiences related to its application. The article discusses the arguments of researchers for and against the use of written consent in qualitative social research. It is based on the opinions and experiences of sociologists and socio-cultural anthropologists concerning the use of written consent in qualitative research, mainly involving vulnerable and marginalised people.


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How to Cite

Surmiak, A. (2020). Written consent? The arguments of qualitative researchers for and against written informed consent. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 69(3), 37–58. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2020/69.3/2

