What will the sociology of morality be like in the 21st century?


  • Grażyna Woroniecka ISNS UW, Poland




sociology of morality, interdisciplinary research, ontology, analytical schemes


This article provides an overview of the concepts arising from the thesis of the need to revitalise the sociology of morality in the 21st century. The exhaustion of classical traditions in sociological theory has plunged the subdiscipline into a crisis, the solution to which the cited authors see in several ways. The first solution is to develop the sociology of morality as a complementary science to interdisciplinary research in the field of neurosciences. The second solution consists of different variants of analytical approaches, from individualistic to a step towards creating a subdisciplinary formal theory. The third solution is related to the sociological analysis of the “surplus” that arises in anthropological research. The fourth solution, shown as the most promising, presents the sociology of morality with the possibility of breaking the dualism between the world of facts and values in the notion of engaging in strategies of resistance against harm and domination, and thus restoring its prominent place in sociological theory as such.


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How to Cite

Woroniecka, G. (2024). What will the sociology of morality be like in the 21st century?. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 73(2), 41–56. https://doi.org/10.26485/PS/2024/73.2/2

