Anti -morality and subordinate morality from the perspective of the queer sociology


  • Jacek Kochanowski Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland



morality, power, queer sociology, sexuality


The aim of this article is to undertake a theoretical reflection on the possible directions of sociological analysis of morality undertaken from the perspective of queer studies. In the first part of the article five approaches of conceptualising morality are presented, the starting point of which is the experience of sexually and/or gender non-normative people. These approaches are: morality as a dispositif of biopolitical power, as a system of hegemonic knowledge, as a set of practices of “judging power”, as an effect of “ideological lining”, and as a set of moral practices. The author then presents two broader theoretical frameworks of queer moral sociology: the theory of antimorality and the theory of subordinate morality.


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How to Cite

Kochanowski, J. (2024). Anti -morality and subordinate morality from the perspective of the queer sociology. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 73(2), 121–139.

