Planning culture as a criterion for classification of problems of spatial planning system in Poland
spatial planning system, planning culture, spatial policy toolsAbstract
Background: The analysis aims to diagnose problems occurring in the spatial planning system in a broader context. The problems concerning the use of spatial policy tools (at the local level) were verified from the perspective of the criteria of planning culture, assuming that the diagnoses referring only to the legal sphere, without taking into account the institutional context are insufficient.
Research purpose: The work aims to provide a synthesis, to take a new look at problems burdening the Polish spatial planning system. An attempt was made to isolate the problems of the spatial planning system from the perspective related to three dimensions of planning culture.
Methods: A review of the literature on the subject in the field of urban, economic, legal, and public policy issues was carried out. After a general analysis, based on the proposed criteria, the application of three key regulations in this context of the Spatial Planning and Land Development Act was verified and assessed.
Conclusions: From the perspective of the criteria of planning culture, it is noticeable how the original statutory intentions were modified during the application of individual provisions. Correlated with this phenomenon is both the lack of real protection of spatial order, as well as the low level of social capital in the local sphere.
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