Regional demographic differences in Germany
demographic situation, federal states of Germany, regional analysesAbstract
Background: Spatial analysis of the main demographic processes in Germany.
Research purpose: Assessment of the population situation and its changes in the federal states of Germany from 2000–2020.
Methods: A literature review, descriptive statistics and taxonomy were used for the analysis.
Conclusions: There are large differences between the Länder in terms of demographics and the directions and intensity of their changes. Hamburg, Berlin and the highly developed western Länder (Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse) with diversified economic structures are in the most favourable demographic situation. This was primarily due to the intensive influx of immigrants, which increased the number of inhabitants and maintained a low level of old age. Among the western Länder, unfavourable demographic changes are found in Saarland, whose economy is dominated by heavy industry. The biggest demographic problems are faced by the eastern Länder with the lowest economic potential, i.e., Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, which are not only depopulating the fastest but are also ageing. Therefore, the development distance that separates them from the richest Länder is likely to increase.
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