Formation of national parks in Polish People’s Republic on the example of Ojców National Park
nature protection; national park; nature protection lawAbstract
The subject of this article is the process creating process of a national park during the times of Polish People’s Republic. The aims of this research is to familiarize with legal issues related to the foundation of the national park and difficulties resulting from this in practice. The analysis of this issue is based on the example of Ojców National Park which is located on the Polish Jurassic Highland at a distance about 16 km north of Cracow. The Ojców National Park was founded in 1956 and it is the smallest Polish national park, which has an extremely colorful history. It was created under the Law on the Nature Protection Act of 1949. There was a number of problems from the scope of Civil and Administrative Law during the foundation of the National Park in Ojców. The largest of them was a question of changing approaches in the Ojców’s area development – in sequence in the Spa town, nature reservation and National Park. The next big problem was the size of the land remains the property of private owners that is about 1/3 of the initial zone of the Ojców National Park. The research explains to the two basic questions: what is the legal arrangement provided for by legislator with the aim to make the foundation of the Natural National Park in Polish People’s Republic and legislation regulating which was provided before.