The effect of intergenerational family relationships on self-rated health among the Polish population aged 50 and over
intergenerational relationships, self-rated health, panel survey, elderly peopleintergenerational relationships, self-rated health, panel survey, elderly peopleAbstract
Self-rated health (SRH) is an important indicator of healthy aging, and intergenerational relationships are key factors in that process. However, little is known about the association between these aspects over time. Thus, the study aimed to verify the effect of intergenerational family relationships on SRH among the Polish population aged 50 and over. The results covered data from 930 older adults who participated in a panel survey performed in two waves (COURAGE in Europe – 2011; COURAGEPOLFUS – 2015/2016). Face-to-face interviews were conducted in the respondents’ homes using a structured questionnaire. SRH was measured by a single-item scale. Intergenerational relationships were assessed by frequency of face-to-face contact, the strength of social ties, and perceived social support. The presence of conflicts was also verified. The results showed that in 2011, around 31% of people aged 50+ indicated somewhat weak relationships with children or grandchildren; after four years, strengthening (weakening) of the relationships was observed among 16% (13%) of the population. Differences in the SRH during the follow-up were not statistically significant. There were also no significant differences in SRH between those for whom the weakening of intergenerational relationships, strengthening of solidarity, or no such changes were observed. The cross-lagged model showed that the relationships between solidarity and SRH were significant only on the cross-sectional level.
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