Dramaturgy of anxiety in the theater work “Pintu Dan Ketukan Ketukan Yang Mengganggu” (The Door and the Disturbing Knocks)





theatre performance, anxiety, Coronavirus, pandemic.


The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (abbreviated as COVID-19) pandemic has been a frightening event for people around the world, including in Indonesia. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. For nearly three years, humanity has faced anxiety about this contagious and potentially deadly disease. The pandemic has led people to shut their doors tightly to avoid the virus.

Various new terms and narratives emerged after the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Over three years, the COVID-19 pandemic claimed nearly 6.9 million lives worldwide and officially ended on May 5, 2023. The new terms and narratives during COVID-19 included health protocols such as (1) wearing masks, (2) washing hands with soap, (3) maintaining physical distance, (4) avoiding crowds, and (5) limiting mobility. Other terms included Pandemic, Zones, Drive-Thru Rapid Test, Herd Immunity, Health Protocols, Adaptation to New Habits (AKB), Discarded, Suspected Cases, PDP (Patient Under Surveillance), ODP (Person Under Monitoring), OTG (Asymptomatic People), PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions), Social Distancing, Physical Distancing, WFH (Work from Home), Quarantine, Isolation, Lockdown, Swab Test, PCR, and many others.

During the pandemic, the arrival of guests became something fearful, contrasting sharply with the past when having guests was considered a blessing. The door is also understood as a boundary between external and internal issues, separating guests from the hosts. Various forms of physical meeting restrictions led to social distancing caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation inspired Yusril to create a contemporary theater piece addressing the fear and danger of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study attempts to explore the possibility of new dramaturgy by viewing the door not only as a means of entry and exit but also as a symbol of anxiety, fear, death, and danger for those experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Author Biographies

Yusril, Department of Applied Arts, Postgraduate Program. ISI (Indonesia Institute of the Arts) Padangpanjang, Indonesia.

Academic and theater artist, lecturer, director, actor and artistic designer from Indonesia. He began his artistic career as a student of Indonesian literature at the Faculty of Literature, Andalas University, in 1988. He holds a Doctorate in Artistic Creation and Study from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta (2016). In addition to writing, Yusril has created numerous theater works that have been performed in various cities across Indonesia and several countries worldwide. Currently, he teaches in the postgraduate Artistic Creation program. Besides being trusted as the head of the Hitam Putih arts community, he also serves as the Head of the Research and Community Service Institute at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Padangpanjang.

Sahrul N., Department of Creative and Art Studies, Postgraduate Program. ISI (Indonesia Institute of the Arts) Padang Panjang, Indonesia.

Researcher in the field of Indonesian arts and culture, mainly focusing on the culture of West Sumatra. He holds a Ph. D. in Art Creation and Study from the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Surakarta, which he completed in 2015. He has conducted extensive research and published numerous scientific papers in both national and international journals. He has also authored several books, including 'Kontroversial Imam Bonjol' (The Controversial Imam Bonjol) (2005), 'Kritik Teater' (Theater Critique) (2017), 'Pamenan: Konsep Budaya Minangkabau' (Pamenan: The Concept of Minangkabau Culture) (2020), and 'Metode Penciptaan Teater Kontemporer' (Methods of Contemporary Theater Creation) (2020). Currently, he serves as the Deputy Director of the Postgraduate Program at ISI Padangpanjang.

Afrizal H., ISI (Indonesia Institute of the Arts) Padang Panjang, Indonesia.

Director, actor, dramaturg, curator and researcher in the field of arts and culture, particularly theater. His most recent educational attainment is a Ph.D. in the Study Program of Art Creation and Study from the Graduate Program at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta, completed in 2020. He has conducted extensive research and written numerous scientific papers in both national and international journals. He contributed as a writer to the books Bunga Rampai Sanggit: ngudi kasampurnaan (2021) and Kota-Kota Bersuara (Cities in Sound) (2020), served as an editor for the book Metode Penciptaan Teater Kontemporer (Methods of Creating Contemporary Theater) (2020), and for the proceedings of the seminar Membangun Konsep Seni Nusantara (Building the Concept of Nusantara Art) (2018). Currently, he serves as the Head of the Master's Program in Humanities Studies at the Graduate Program of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Padangpanjang.

Ali Sukri, ISI (Indonesia Institute of the Arts) Padang Panjang, Indonesia.

Choreographer from West Sumatra whose works have been performed at both national and international events. His educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in Dance Composition, a Master's degree in Artistic Creation, and a Doctorate in Artistic Creation and Study, completed at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta in 2023. Some of his published journals include Koreografi Tonggak Raso Berbasis Silek (2017), Menjilid Sitaralak: Konsep Garap Penciptaan Tari dari Memori Silek pak Guru (Binding Sitaralak: The Concept of Dance Creation from the Memories of Silek Teacher) (2022), and Metode Penciptaan Tari Kontemporer: Tubuhku Puisi Yang Bergerak (Method of Contemporary Dance Creation: My Body is a Moving Poem) (2023). He has also published a book titled "Pengembangan Tari Podang Perisai di Kuantan Singingi Riau (Development of Podang Perisai Dance in Kuantan Singingi, Riau) (2017). Currently, he serves as the Head of the Department of Applied Arts at the postgraduate level at ISI Padangpanjang.

Cameron Malik, Insulinde: Art and Design Research Centre, Indonesia

Researcher from Indonesia. He completed his master's degree at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta, in 2017, majoring in Art Studies, and his bachelor's degree in Ethnomusicology at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Surakarta. Currently, he works as a freelance researcher through the Insulinde organization. His research interests include fine arts, media studies, games, music, ethnomusicology and visual culture. Some of his written works include studies on the face in the context of posters, the concept of aesthetic familiarity and atmosphere, and raising awareness through games. Another work, a book titled "Tabuik Ceremony: How the Minangkabau Community Manages Conflict Through Music," will be published this year by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).


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