Pożegnanie Profesora Grzegorza Sztabińskiego
It is with great sadness that we communicate the recent passing of
Professor Grzegorz SztabińskiEditor-in-chief of Art Inquiry since its establishment in 1999. Professor Grzegorz Sztabiński, born in 1946, studied art at the State School of Fine Arts in Lodz (1964-1970) and philosophy at the University of Lodz (1967-1972). Grzegorz Sztabiński was a professor at the University of Lodz and the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. He was involved in scientific activities in the field of aesthetics and art history. In his work, he dealt with the main trends of avant--garde art of the 20th century, constructivism and conceptualism. Art theory and artistic practice intertwined and complemented his entire professional career. The forms of artistic expression by Professor Grzegorz Sztabiński were painting, drawing, installations and, occasionally, performance.
The contribution of Professor Grzegorz Sztabiński, the Editor-in-chief of Art Inquiry from the very beginning, in the original concept of the journal and the care for its high quality cannot be overestimated. In recognition of Professor Grzegorz Sztabiński's activity and merits, the Lodz Scientific Society awarded him honorary membership (2017) and the Society's medal (2019). Professor Grzegorz Sztabiński will be remembered as an inspiring researcher and artist who gained the acknowledgement and respect. We were impressed with his cooperation skills and willingness to share his knowledge and experience with others, as well as his kindness and personal culture exceptional modesty and sensitivity. Professor Grzegorz Sztabiński died on November 13, 2020.