Storytelling at the intersection of fields : The role of storytelling in science


  • Arkadiusz Kołodziej Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Poland



storytelling, media field, scientific field, communication rules


In the individual, relatively autonomous fields, as defined by Pierre Bourdieu, there is a struggle for resources and social positions. This competition takes place according to specific rules of the game in each field. The relative autonomy of the fields is expressed, among other things, in the conditional permeability of actors from different areas of the social world. For instance, when scientists speak on television, they transition from the academic field to the field of media. This transition involves accepting the rules of communication. At the same time, committees set up in the field of policy produce reports referring to the scientific methodology (again inviting scientists). Thus, the fields do not have precisely defined boundaries, but this does not negate the fact that their specificity and differences can be easily identified. Among the specific differences in individual fields, one should highlight the form of communication. Storytelling is one of the available methods of communication within and outside the field. It is difficult to find a field that unequivocally excludes “storytelling” which testifies to its universality. On the other hand, storytelling, originating from everyday discourse, does not fully conform to the general rules of specific fields, making it partially incoherent and even foreign. By remaining on the boundaries of different fields, it presents an opportunity in the competition for position and resources. However, expanding the field’s boundaries also carries certain risks associated with employing “borderline” communication techniques. In this article, I analyse the limitations resulting from the use of storytelling in the field of science.


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How to Cite

Kołodziej, A. (2024). Storytelling at the intersection of fields : The role of storytelling in science. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 73(3), 9–27.

