On Sense and Oneself. Tale in the Hermeneutic Interpretation of the Art of Joseph Beuys, Zbigniew Warpechowski and Mirosław Bałka
sense, identity, hermeneutics, tale, performance, installation, poeticsAbstract
The article begins with the hermeneutical assumption that a response to the “call” of sense to discover it in the world and a statement finding the sense of personal identity in the “combination” of stability and changeability can meet in a work of art and its interpretation when the response and the statement are understood as a tale. Examples of such tales, the performative actions of Joseph Beuys who combined private dramatic experiences with recognizing himself as a shaman whose mission was to heal societies. Then, Zbigniew Warpechowski’s mission and sacrifice are illustrated in the activities and consistent attitude within a performative and contemporary imitation of Christ and “avant-garde conservatism”. Finally, the paper presents the reflective acceptance of one's own and universal heritage expressed in Mirosław Bałka's installations whose character, poetic and easy to interpret, has hidden meaning (sense). Owing to the art of the abovementioned artists, it is the interpretation of artistic activities understood as poetic tales that allows us to discover meaning at the metaphysical level where universal values are found.
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