Jesuit Art in the Modern Period as an Expression of the First Globalisation Dispersal of Iconographic Motifs and Consolidation of the Catholic Religion
Jesuit art, engravings, religious iconography, evangelisationAbstract
Most colonial religious paintings in the period from the late 16th century to the early 19th century were inspired by prints imported from Europe; the Jesuit order, present on most continents, played an extremely important role in the dissemination of models, at least until the order was abolished in 1773. Jesuit collections gathered in libraries accompanying colleges were also important. Artists creating compositions in colonial areas used illustrated book publications, ephemeral prints and individual prints. For the purposes of the discussion presented here, two subjects have been selected. The first one is two representations from the allegorical cycle showing the fate of the human soul on the road to salvation, based on prints by Boetius Adams Bolswert (Via vitae aeternae Antoon Sucquet, Antwerp, 1620), found in the sacristy of the Pauline church on Jasna Góra and the chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows in the Cathedral in Goa. The second subject is Jesuit themes inspired by the works of Peter Paul Rubens. We should also remember that the strategy of using paintings played a particularly significant role in the Jesuit evangelisation process.
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