The role of Cluniac art and architecture in times of danger




Cluniac art, architecture, interpretation, reconstruction, Cluny Abbaye, Maior Ecclesia


Nowadays, people are confronted with ever new threats and challenges. In difficult times, integration based on cultural identity, which can be developed through the interpretation of works of art, is of high importance. For centuries, Cluniac art, including architecture, which is part of Europe's cultural heritage, has played a significant role in co-creating cultural memory by influencing imagination. Forms of promotion and dissemination of the legacy of the Benedictines of Cluny are crucial in this regard. This text reflects on the contemporary significance of Cluny's artistic heritage and the ways in which various narratives are built around it. It also addresses the multidimensional significance of the Abbey of Cluny as a lost and reconstructed historical site, and places it in a broader cultural context.

Author Biographies

Piotr Gryglewski, University of Lodz, Institute of Art History

Associate professor at the University of Łódź, director of the Institute of Art History, Department of History of Architecture, Faculty of Philosophy and History, editor of the publishing series "Sztuka Polski Środkowej"’, editor-in-chief of the semi-annual periodical of the Institute of Art History at the University of Łódź "TECHNE. Seria now"’. His research interests focus on the history of architecture and modern art. He investigates the relationship between the world of ideas and artistic forms. Particularly important is the issue of historical conditions and their influence on artistic foundations. Author and co-author of monographs and articles.

Natalie Moreno-Kamińska, University of Lodz, Institute of Contemporary Culture

PhD, assistant at the University of Łódź, Institute of Contemporary Culture, Department of Drama and Theatre, Faculty of Philology. Her research interests focus on European cultural heritage, Polish and French culture and cultural marketing. So far, she has published scientific articles in Poland and abroad, among others: Transformations in Contemporary France in the Context of Considering Cultural Borders – A Cultural Perspective in Selected Case Studies, "Politeja. Pismo Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego" 2019, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 189-209; The Role of Cultural Oscypek Trail in The Protection of Polish and European Cultural Heritage, [in:] Value of Heritage for Tourism. Proceedings of the 6th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference 2019, D. Vanneste, W. Gruijthuijsen eds., University of Leuven, Leuven 2020, pp. 201-209.


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