Watching movies from the perspective of social class divisions
watching movies, cultural stratification, lifestylesAbstract
In this article we explore empirically how taste for films relates to social class, i.e., how preferences for particular films depend on patterns apparent in other dimensions of lifestyle. Drawing on a survey of cultural activity in Poland (n = 2007) carried out in 2019, we test three hypotheses concerning: (i) the effect of social class on film tastes, (ii) the homology of (or the correspondence between) the space of cultural goods and the space of social positions, and (iii) to what extent preferences for films relate to participation in other dimensions of cultural activity. The results show that tastes for films are weakly connected with class divisions. This is in line with the quasi-homology explanation, which holds that the effect of class position is negligible. As regards links between liking film and genres in other areas of culture we find that preferences for films transfer mostly to watching TV series. They are weakly connected to reading books, liking classical music, or going to the theatre. Taken together, our findings suggest that watching films has not, up until this point, contributed strongly to the consolidation of class structure in Poland.
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