Oб особенностях латинской транслитерации кириллического текста плачевной речи по карлу xi Юхана спарвенфельда

On the peculiarities of the Latin transliteration of the Cyrillic text of The funeral speech in memory of Charles xi (Placzewnaja recz na pogrebenie […] Karolusa Odinatsetogho) by johan sparwenfeld


  • Magdalena Janas Instytut Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Poland



Article in Russian

This article is devoted to the transliteration of the eulogy in honour of Charles XI, written by the Swedish diplomat and well-known Slavist and lexicographer J. Sparwenfeld. The funeral speech in memory of Charles XI (1697) is a unique and unusual source, since it was written entirely in Russian recension of Church Slavonic and printed with the use of the Latin script. The paper presents the method of conversion of the original (Cyrillic) text into the Latin script. The analysis of the source material has shown that the transliteration of particular characters varies significantly, sometimes to such an extent that the reader notices the record’s inconsistency even within a single lexeme. In addition, it should be noted that the transliteration in some cases is consistent with the principles of Polish orthography. In respect of this, The funeral speech… significantly differs from other Russian-language texts written by Sparwenfeld in the Latin script. Such a discrepancy may indicate that discussed funeral speech was recreated with the use of Latin characters without Sparwenfeld’s participation.



How to Cite

Janas, M. (2019). Oб особенностях латинской транслитерации кириллического текста плачевной речи по карлу xi Юхана спарвенфельда: On the peculiarities of the Latin transliteration of the Cyrillic text of The funeral speech in memory of Charles xi (Placzewnaja recz na pogrebenie […] Karolusa Odinatsetogho) by johan sparwenfeld. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej, 66, 171–183. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ltn.lodz.pl/Rozprawy-Komisji-Jezykowej/article/view/273


