Virocentric Documentary Narratives with Themes of „Dark Biology”




nonfiction, ecocriticism, virocentric narratives, pandemic literature


This paper discuses an eco-apocalyptic non-fiction, which can be described as dark biology (referring to dark fantasy, dark science-fiction or noir crime fiction). The analysis is focused on Richard Preston’s, David Quamenn’s, Karl Taro Freenfeld’s and Nathan Wolfe’s medical/scientific nonfiction and heroic-exploratory narratives. The authors of dark narratives about viruses use the motives typical of crime, thriller, horror or sensation fiction. This analysis is set in a context of „dark ecology” — Timothy Morton’s eco-critical project.



Teksty analizowane

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How to Cite

Adamczewska-Baranowska, I. (2020). Virocentric Documentary Narratives with Themes of „Dark Biology”. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich The Problems of Literary Genres, 63(3), 9–25.


