What is punk cabaret? An Attempt to Define and Exemplify the Phenomenon





punk cabaret, Tiger Lillies, Amanda Palmer, song, sound semantics


The aim of the paper is to present punk cabaret — a new musical phenomenon on the music scene of the English-speaking countries. The author briefly presents its main representatives and cultural contexts, which is followed by an attempt to define the constitutive features of the genre in its musical, performative, and textual aspects. The former consist of prominent vocals, displaying both lyrical finesse and raw, punk-inspired force, with scant accompaniment evoking circus music and pre-war cabaret. Performance, playing a significant role in the genre, adds campy aesthetics and vintage flair. The textual layer, in turn, is characterised by dark humour, moral irreverence, disrespect for the established aesthetic canon, and the orientation towards social margins. All these facets — auditory, visual, and textual — are considered as inseparably intertwined and mutually interrelated in a constant play of contextualisation and allusions, with sound playing a vital role in text interpretation.




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Discography entries are marked with ‘D’ followed, where necessary, by further marking with ‘a’, ‘b’ etc. for multiple releases of discography by the same author in a given year.

Brecht Bertolt (original text), Weill Kurt (music), Blitzstein Marc (English adaptation) (1954/2000D), The Threepenny Opera [perf. by 1954 Original Off-Broadway Cast], Decca Broadway, CD.

Dresden Dolls, The (2003D), The Dresden Dolls, 8ft, Records, CD.

Evelyn Evelyn (2010D), Evelyn Evelyn, 8ft, Records, CD.

Gaiman Neil, Palmer Amanda (2013D), An Evening With Neil Gaiman & Amanda Palmer, 8ft, Records, CD.

Palmer Amanda (2018D), There Will Be No Intermission, 8ft, Records, CD.

— (2008D), Who Killed Amanda Palmer, Roadrunner Records, CD.

Palmer Amanda, The Grand Theft Orchestra (2012D), Theatre Is Evil, 8ft, Records, CD.

Sex Pistols, The (1977D), Never Mind the Bollocks Here’s the Sex Pistols, Virgin Records, CD.

Tiger Lillies, The (1994D), Births Marriages and Deaths, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (1996D), The Brothel to the Cemetery, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (1997D), Farmyard Filth, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (1998Da), Low Life Lullabies, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (1998Db), Shockheaded Peter. A Junk Opera, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (1999D), Bad Blood + Blasphemy, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2001D), Two Penny Opera, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2008D), Freakshow, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2010Da), Cockatoo Prison, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2010Db), Here I Am Human, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2012Db), Hamlet, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2014Db), Lulu. A Murder Ballad, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2015D), The Story of Franz Biberkopf, Misery Guts Music, CD.

— (2020Da), Covid-19, Misery Guts Music, MP3.

— (2020Db), Covid-19. Volume II, Misery Guts Music, MP3.

Tiger Lillies, The, Kronos Quartet (2003D), The Gorey End, Misery Guts Music, CD.

Video Material

Video material entries are marked with ‘V’ followed, where necessary, by further marking with ‘a’, ‘b’ etc. for multiple releases of video material by the same author in a given year.

Dresden Dolls, The (2003V), The Dresden Dolls Debut CD Release, YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=09TRhCSny6w [access: 3.07.2019].

— (2009V), Coin-Operated Boy [official video], YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4gPZPKJc0s [access: 26.08.2019].

— (2013V), Coin-Operated Boy [live in Sydney], YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYvLNsdChI [access: 30.08.2019].

Evelyn Evelyn (2010V), Evelyn Evelyn [live in Antwerp], YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfOJlSVLa_E [access: 30.08.2019].

Tiger Lillies, The (2010V), The Tiger Lillies Freakshow [trailer], YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeuJoTs6MT8 [access: 24.08.2019].

— (2013V), Banging in the Nails, YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvA8NPAl2Dg [access:28.08.2019].

— (2014V), Living Hell [official video], YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=H54qEy4hrqs [access: 26.08.2019].

— (2017V), Heroin [live at Atlas Club, Kiev], YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvwWbtO8QrQ [access: 22.08.2019].

— (2019V), The Tiger Lillie’s performs “Gin” live at Joe’s Pub in New York City, YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9JAfegr040 [access: 5.10.2020].



How to Cite

Mach, A. (2021). What is punk cabaret? An Attempt to Define and Exemplify the Phenomenon. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich The Problems of Literary Genres, 63(4), 151–166. https://doi.org/10.26485/ZRL/2020/63.4/10