Ecofeminist Criticism and Climate Catastrophe. Narratives of Crisis in nareszcie możemy się zjadać by Monika Lubińska




ecofeminism, ecocriticism, geopoetics, ecopoetry, Monika Lubińska


The aim of this study was to introduce and discuss ecofeminist literary criticism and its philosophical background rooted in works of ecofeminist researchers such as Val Plumwood and Ariel Salleh. As intersectional theory, ecofeminism provides a profound analysis of the conceptual connection between women and nature. Ecological feminism is also concerned with relations between various forms of discrimination — racism, sexism, heterosexism and speciesism. Ecofeminist criticism is believed to be a method of reading that provides an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between subject, literature and environment. It examines issues such as carnality and sexuality which are also viewed as significant motifs in contemporary Polish poetry, e.g. in the works of Monika Lubińska. Research that combines literaturę studies and ecological themes seem to be particularly important in the second decade of 21st century — a time increasingly associated with climate crisis. The ecofeminist approach was used to analyze nareszcie możemy się zjadać, a debut book of poetry written by Polish author Monika Lubińska. The existence of garbage, activism issues and femininity were among the topics examined. Special attention was paid to Lubińska’s juxtapositions of sensuality and technology and to her writing method which involves the use of recycled phrases from Internet search engines, Wikipedia and her smartphone’s dictionary. The study revealed that the ecological sensibility of Monika Lubińska is deeply intertwined with her feminist awareness.




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How to Cite

Herman, A. (2021). Ecofeminist Criticism and Climate Catastrophe. Narratives of Crisis in nareszcie możemy się zjadać by Monika Lubińska. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich The Problems of Literary Genres, 64(1), 87–99.