Vol. 115 (2024)

					View Vol. 115 (2024)

VOLUME EDITOR: Edmund Tomaszewski
ISSUE THEME: Hydrology and Man. Interactions and challenges

Co-financed by the Ministry Education and Science, Republic of Poland

Co-financed by the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz

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Published: 2024-05-15


  • The man and the water

    Paweł Jokiel
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/0


  • Professor Paweł Jokiel – a biography written in water

    Edmund Tomaszewski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/1
  • Interdependencies among droughts in the Beskid-foothill area of the Western Carpathians on the example of the Bystrzanka catchment during intense climate change at the beginning of the 21st century

    Witold Bochenek, Sabina Wójcik
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/2
  • Determinants and variability of river low-flows in selected geographical regions of Poland in the period 1989–2018

    Malwina Kozek-Połomska, Edmund Tomaszewski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/3
  • Physico-chemical properties of spring water near Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą

    Maksym Łaszewski, Krzysztof Stępniewski, Patrycja Kowalczyk, Wiktoria Malinowska, Weronika Skorupa, Aleksandra Sobkowicz, Klaudia Żaba
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/4
  • Characterisation of physicochemical parameters in waters serving as habitats for stoneworts (Charales) in anthropogenic reservoirs of the Dąbrowa Basin

    Ewelina Ratajczak
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/5
  • Earlier emergence of winter-spring maximum streamflow across Poland, 1981–2020

    Urszula Somorowska
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/6
  • Changes in specific discharge in the lowland part of Poland in the years 1961–2021

    Małgorzata Świątek
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/7
  • Springs in the upper Drzewiczka catchment

    Przemysław Tomalski, Radosław Badowski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/8
  • Thermal, precipitation and hydrological conditions in the Natura 2000 Puszcza Białowieska area in the context of ongoing climate change

    Grzegorz Wałek, Roman Suligowski
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/9
  • Changes in selected characteristics of river regime in Poland under climate warm-ing conditions

    Dariusz Wrzesiński
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.26485/AGL/2024/115/10