The “Narrative Turn” in Literature. Observations on Digital Works




narrative turn, Latin American literature, digital literature, hypertext, hypermedia


The transformation of literary models was born out of a process initiated by the avant-garde and is still present nowadays in the form of the post avant-garde, understood as the cre­ation of many new manifestations of literary expressions, including digital literature. The aim of the article is to analyse the forms, changes and structures of digital literature in comparison to the procedures of so-called “traditional literature”. The methodology is based on comparative literature. The topic is viewed from the perspective of Ibero-American literature exemplified with proto-hypertexts, hypertexts and literary hypermedia from Latin America. As a summary, we can say that digital literature is not going to change literature, but it is going to introduce new literary aesthetics which, in turn, will provide literature with new, different, and experimental narrative structures.

Author Biography

Anna Wendorff, Department of Spanish Philology, University of Łódź, Poland

PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Spanish Lan-guage Literature of the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Łódź; her research interests are focused on contemporary Latin American literature, especially experimental literature, including hyperfiction. Author of two monographs on digital literature: Vanguardias poéticas en el arte digital en Latinoamérica (Poetic avant-gardes in the digital art of Latin America), Gobierno Bolivariano de Aragua Publishing House, Aragua (Venezuela), 2010 and Estructuras narratológicas en la literatura digital de Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez (Narratological structures in digital literature by Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez) Aracne editrice, Roma, 2015.


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