Rethink thinking


  • Teresa Pękala Maria Curie-Sklodowska University



esthetic thinking, philosophical thinking, artistic thinking, conceptual cognition, creation, art, esthetic experience, transformative experience, borderline situations, immediacy of cognition, sensuality.


The thinking of art creators is considered as part of philosophical reflection on cognit-ive processes. The author assumes that we are on the limit of the current vision of humanity, which induces us to attempt to "rethink thinking" and the meanings and functions attributed to thinking in cognitive processes. This attempt should include not only conceptual cognition but also "esthetic thinking" in the broad sense and "artistic thinking" connected, although not identical with it. The study examines what role could be played by the concept of "esthetic thinking" in the analysis of changes in art and its theories. The subject of interest is the turning points in thinking that could be connected with transformative experiences taking place in philosophy and art. Several possible directions of such analyses are presented that refer to historical and transformative experiences in thinking brought about by civilizational and technological transformations. Examples are provided of the transforming impact of similar experiences on theory and art.

Author Biography

Teresa Pękala, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University

Teresa Pękala – Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy and the Head of the Department of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin. Her interests include problems of contemporary aesthetics and art, post­modern culture, the processes of aestheticization of the past and Polish aesthetics. She has published ca. 135 articles and is the author or editor of nine books: Secesja. Konkretyzacje i interpretacje [Art Nouveau. Concretizations and Interpretations], Lublin 1995; Estetyka otwar­ta Mieczysława Wallisa [The Open Aesthetics of Mieczysław Wallis], Warszawa 1997; Awangarda i ariergarda. Filozofia sztuki nowoczesnej [Avant-gardes, Ariere-gardes. Philosophy of Modern Art], Lublin 2000; Mieczysław Wallis. Wybór pism estetycznych. Wprowadzenie, wybór i opracowanie [Mieczysław Wallis. Selected Aesthetic Writings. Introduced, Selected and Edited by…] Universitas, Kraków 2004; Przyszłość Witkacego [Witkacy’s Future] (ed.), Kraków 2010; Powrót modernizmu [The Return of Modernism] (ed.), Lublin 2013, Estetyczne konteksty doświadczenia przeszłości, [Aesthetic Contexts of Experience of the Past], Lublin 2013; Konstanty Troczyński. Wybór pism es­tetycznych. Wprowadzenie, wybór i opracowanie [Konstanty Troczyński. Selected Aesthetic Writings. Introduced, Selected and Edited by…], Kraków 2014, Witkacy w kontekstach [Witkacy in the con­text], (ed.), Lublin 2015, Teatr, teatralizacja, performatywność, [Theatre, theatralization, performa­tivity] (ed.), Lublin 2016, Przestrzenie autonomii – sztuka, filozofia, kultura, [Spaces of Autonomy – Art, Philosophy, Culture] (ed.), Lublin 2017, Dyskursy sztuki. Dyskursy o sztuce,[Discourses of Art. Discourses About Art] (ed.), Lublin 2018, Zapomniana sztuka. Sztuka pamiętania, [Forgotten Art. The Art of Remembering] (ed.), Lublin 2019, Dystynkcje estetyczne- wyróżnienie i wykluczenie, [Aesthetic Distinctions – Merit and Exclusion] (ed.), Lublin 2020; Myślenie estetyczne, [Aesthetic thinking], (ed. T. Pękala, R. Kubicki), Lublin 2023.


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