Aims and Scope

Prace Polonistyczne [Studies in Polish Literature] is an academic journal that publishes research in the fields of literary and Polish studies. We welcome articles on Polish literature and comparative studies which examine Polish literature in a wide cultural context. We are interested in new and novel interpretations of texts by Polish writers, both contemporary and from the past, reinterpretations, fresh readings which employ new methodologies developed in international literary studies and broaden the existing research, and in comparative case studies that examine Polish literature in the context of world literature (with particular focus on connections, influences, and analogies) and cultural transfer.

Our mission is to publish original academic articles by Polish and non-Polish scholars. The journal adheres to a double-blind review policy and welcomes scholarly texts in Polish, English, and French.

Published annually, Prace Polonistyczne [Studies in Polish Literature] has an international editorial team and board. We regularly collaborate with scholars from almost all academic centres in Poland and specialists in Polish, Slavic, and comparative studies, and translators of Polish literature from various cultural circles and continents (from the USA, Scandinavian countries, Italy, east European countries, such as Latvia or Ukraine, and south Slavic countries). This includes centres that have made a major contribution to the development of Polish studies, e.g.: Sorbonne University, INALCO in Paris, Stendhal University in Grenoble, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Helsinki, the University of Vienna, and Vilnius University.

Prace Polonistyczne [Studies in Polish Literature] is one of the oldest Polish academic journals. For almost a hundred years, it has been promoting and popularizing Polish literature and literary studies both in Poland and around the world. The first volume of the journal was published in Łódź in 1937 by the humanities scholars associated with Free Polish University. The journal has been permanently connected with Łódź. Initially a nationwide periodical, over time it has won international recognition. Over the years, the articles published in the journal have become part of the basic bibliography for the study of each literary epoch and many disciplines within literary studies.

Each issue of the journal has a monographic character. Yet, we also publish articles that are not connected to the main theme of the volume. So far, we have published issues dedicated to the literary output of prominent Polish writers, such as Zbigniew Herbert, Juliusz Słowacki, and Julian Tuwim; volumes that focus on specific literary epochs: Romantycy – fantastyka – podróż [The Romantics – Fantasy – Travel]; Z warsztatów badaczy literatury oświecenia. Aktualia [Researching the Enlightenment Literature. Current Issues]; Prymas Andrzej Olszowski i jego czasy. Piśmiennictwo religijne i okolicznościowe epok dawnych [Primate Andrzej Olszowski and His Times. Religious and Occasional Texts of Past Eras]; Literatura staropolska. Tradycje tekstów dawnych [Old Polish Literature. Traditions of Old Texts]; Literatura polska XX wieku w świetle mitoanalizy [Reading Twentieth-Century Polish Literature through the Lens of Mythanalysis]; as well as thematic volumes: Transfer kulturowy czy narracje tożsamościowe? Polsko-francuskie spotkania literatur, kultur, tradycji [Cultural Transfer or Identity Narratives? Encounters of Polish and French Literature, Culture, and Traditions]; Klasycyzm i sentymentalizm jako ponadczasowe zjawiska kultury [Classicism and Sentimentalism as Timeless Cultural Phenomena]; Akulturacja i jej literackie oblicza [Acculturation and Its Literary Representations]; Deficyt w literaturze polskiej i myśli literaturoznawczej [Deficit in Polish Literature and Literary Studies – Analyses and (Re)Visions]; Repartycje mityczne w literaturze [Mythical Repartitions in Literature].

Prace Polonistyczne [Studies in Polish Literature] is an open access journal that publishes Creative Commons-licensed research. All articles submitted for publication undergo verification for compliance with ethical principles and with regard to their academic value and integrity. The journal adheres to publishing ethics guidelines aimed at preventing dishonest publication practices, based on the recommendations developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All published content is available on the journal's OJS website ( The journal articles’ metadata are indexed by Google Scholar and integrated with databases indexing scientific journals. The journal is available in national and international reference databases, including the Library of Science, ERIH Plus, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, EBSCOhost, CEJSH, PBN, Proquest. It is a member of CrossRef and registers a unique DOI for each publication.