Unterwegs mit Andrzej Stasiuk. Fokus: Mitteleuropa




Słowa kluczowe:

Geopoetics, travel literature, Central Europe, national stereotypes


Travelling is the passion of the Polish, contemporary writer Andrzej Stasiuk. It is for him a goal in itself but also a point of reference for the definition of his own nation and country facing geopolitical change (My Europe, 2000; Dojczland, 2007; Waiting for the Turk, 2009), which constantly demands to be revised. Travelling serves the writer as a solitary but in the end illusory way of experiencing and capturing the material world in the face of perpetual annihilation. Stasiuk’s nostalgic journeys become a pretext for archiving the transient material world — Europe, which fades in front of our eyes and, by means of the author’s craft, metamorphoses into a myth, and makes the text another testimony of his geopoetics.

Liczba pobrań


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Jak cytować

Firaza, J. (2019). Unterwegs mit Andrzej Stasiuk. Fokus: Mitteleuropa. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 62(4), 71–82. https://doi.org/10.26485/ZRL/2019/62.4/5


