Presidential election in the Czech Republic in 2023
The Czech Republic, residential election, Petr PavelAbstract
The 2023 elections marked the end of the era of Miloš Zeman, who was twice elected president of the Czech Republic. It was Zeman’s presidency that was the main reference point of this election campaign. Petr Pavel, who won the election, presented a credible offer for a new presidency, different from Zeman’s model. His slogan „Let’s restore order and peace in the Czech Republic” defined the future presidency as a time of rebuilding internal relations characteristic of a mature Western European-style democracy and respecting the values that the Czechs associated with both the period of the First Republic and the term of office of Václav Havel. Pavel’s positive image was reinforced by the international context of the election – a general with experience in NATO structures was a response to concerns about the security of the Republic. Pavel’s main rival, Andrej Babiš, had a devoted electorate consisting of voters dissatisfied with their own economic situation, he built his image as a defender of their interests. However, the need to change the model of the presidency turned out to be decisive in these elections.
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