The Election Review Board of Sweden. The Procedure of Consideration of Election Complaints and Application of the Provisions of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure in the Process of Review of Electoral Claims


  • Aleksander Wróbel Jagiellonian University in Kraków



The Election Review Board of Sweden, wedish civil procedure, Swedish election law, electoral complaint


The Swedish legal framework presents intriguing solutions with respect to electoral law, particularly in the context of the entity entrusted with the adjudication of electoral claims, constituting the ultimate appellate authority. The author endeavors to scrutinize the functioning of the Electoral Commission in Sweden, delving into its composition, operational mechanisms, positioning within the overarching state apparatus, as well as the procedural intricacies associated with the submission and adjudication of electoral complaints. Furthermore, it aims to elucidate the judicious application of pertinent provisions within the realms of civil procedure and administrative procedure in this context.


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How to Cite

Wróbel, A. (2023). The Election Review Board of Sweden. The Procedure of Consideration of Election Complaints and Application of the Provisions of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure in the Process of Review of Electoral Claims. Studia Wyborcze, 36, 69–82.


