General information for authors

MEiN 2023 score – 40 points [polish scientific scoring].

Fees: The Editor and Publisher of the journal do NOT charge authors any fees for submission, editorial process (APC) or for publication of texts. Texts appear online in an open access format free of charge at the time of publication (CC license CC BY 4.0 ).

We publish articles in Early View before publishing the full issue.

Article proceeding time:
1) from the author's submission of the manuscript to the initial internal review: about 14 days;
2) from the author's submission of the manuscript to the time of external expert reviews: about 60 days;
3) from the author's submission of the manuscript to publication Early View: about 5 months.

Percentage of rejected texts:
1) 2022: 40%
2) 2023: 33%

Information about the journal's sections and topics is available under the "About the Journal" tab. Please also see the tabs on ethics, review policies, and open access policies.

All articles should have an abstract, keywords, and title in English. The abstract should be in the range of 200-250 words and should be prepared according to scientific standards – see the Editor's recommendations in the essay:

Please send submissions to the Editor's email address:

Before submitting an article, please read the editorial guidelines available in a separate tab. Texts not prepared in accordance with the editorial guidelines will not be considered.

By sending the abstract to us, the authors simultaneously agree to publish the e-mail address, affiliation and ORCID ID in case the article is accepted for publication.

Copyright: Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights; authors grant the LTN Publishing House (Łódzkie Towarzysto Naukowe) the right of first publication of their text.